
8 Simple + Accessible Mindfulness Activities for Autism

By Rachel Costello January 30, 2021

The practice of mindfulness has become increasingly mainstream in recent years. From classrooms to boardrooms, both children and adults are reaping the benefits of this ancient system. The evidence that mindfulness works is not just anecdotal but backed by hard science.

In recent research, mindfulness has been shown to reduce stress, depression and aggression while producing changes in brain regions associated with emotional regulation, introspection and awareness. 

While the bulk of the research has been focused on typically developing adults, a few new studies highlight the benefits of mindfulness for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and their caregivers.

What is Mindfulness?

Mindfulness is the practice of quieting the mind and paying attention to the present moment without judgement. We notice thoughts, feelings, sounds and sensations as experiences passing through a wider field of awareness. 

For children with Autism, building this skill can translate into improved behavioral and cognitive responses.

What are the Benefits of Mindfulness for Autism?

Challenges of ASD may include difficulty with communication, social-emotional skills, and anxiety. One theory suggests that weak central coherence, a limited ability to understand context or see “the big picture,” may be an underlying factor. 

By practicing mindfulness, students with Autism have an opportunity to explore widening and narrowing their focus and attention to various internal and external experiences, which may improve their central coherence. 

Mindfulness Activities for Supporting Children with Autism

Combining the sensory processing applications of yoga sensory activities for autism with the information processing applications of mindfulness practice provides many benefits for both children with ASD and their grown-ups. 

Click here to continue reading and learn eight simple and accessible mindfulness activities today!