
Top 5 Things To Do In Pittsburgh North With Kids This Week

There is lots of fun happening in Pittsburgh North the week of 8/24 to 8/30

By CeCe Schantz August 24, 2023

High-fives all around to all of us who survived the first week of back-to-school mania! When you have kids, the unexpected kind of comes with the territory, but back to school season takes the cake! I'll share some of our crazy stories with you here and on social media, and we would love to hear about your back-to-school sagas as well! It helps to know that you and I aren't the only ones who, sometimes, just want a do over!

This is the first week for North Allegheny and while my 3 youngest kids did great shifting to the early morning routine while my oldest graduate gleefully slept in, unpredictable things just kept happening like my son going to school with just his school iPad and absolutely no fear of being unprepared and actually had a great day! 

I would never dream of going to school without my school supplies and trusty Trapper Keeper in toe! Yes, I am a child of the 80's and I'm not ashamed to say it! While this is just one of many vast differences in the way our kids learn and keep organized, the video displayed here is a must-watch in order to experience the now comical trends of the past that are sadly long gone, or are they? 

Also, remember to get your tickets now because there's limited seating for this season's final must-see Family Magic Show: School of Magic this Sunday at either 11 am or 2 pm! You won't want to miss this impressive combination of magic and storytelling as you go on a magical journey filled with exciting twists and turns, as well as some positive lessons too that both young and old will admire and enjoy! 

Finally, congratulations to Nicole of Cranberry for being the winner of the Ross Park Mall Sponsored Simon Gift Card Giveaway! SUBSCRIBE and join us every week on social media where you'll get even MORE shared events and seasonal family fun, GIVEAWAYS, and discounts!  Get the new articles just added to the Publisher's Picks here and updated for you weekly! Have a great week in the best place ever, Pittsburgh North and all areas in between!


This Week's Top 5:

1. Climb aboard the Lego Bus Plus Enjoy Today's Solar Concert Series - Children's Museum 

 Enjoy Lego Bus from 11 to 7 along with endless fun with free music every Thursday outside at Buhl Park! 8-24-23

2.  Asian Lantern Festival

 Come and see a world of wonders for the zoo's 125th anniversary global passport and get ready for dazzling sights. 8-25-23

3. Marshall Township Community Day

Don't miss all the fun from live music to climbing walls, vendors and a Zambelli Fireworks finale! 8-26-23

4. Sunday Makebreak Abstract Art

Make art your way with this expressive abstract art class and all supplies are provided! 8-27-23

5.  Abby Abbondanza Concert - McCandless Crossing

Enjoy the stunning vocals of the well-known country music singer, Abby Abbondanza!  8-28-23

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