Treasure Buddies, Disney’s newest Buddies flick, is finally out on DVD and Blu-Ray! Bet your family has fallen head over heels for these delightful pups since Air Buddies! Macaroni Kid Robinson was lucky enough to prescreen Treasure Buddies last week and the critics (aka Macaroni Kiddos) haven’t stopped ranting and raving…and barking!
We adored the movie and simply had SUCH a great time watching it! Not only did we watch it on screening night-- we've watched it two times since with popcorn and blankets on the couch! Macaroni Kid Robinson gives it a two "popcorn" night thumbs up! That's BIG in our house. The buddies are ALWAYS clever, ALWAYS funny and simply ADORABLE. Each of my children identifies with a certain Buddy! We love the adventure set amongst the backdrop of spooky pyramids and the exciting anticipation of "treasure!" We're BARKING because WE LOVE BUDDIES! WOOF WOOF!
Join the fantastic five (Rosebud, B-Dawg, Budderball, Buddha, and Mudbud) and their new friends, Babi the Egyptian Monkey, Pete, a young boy, and Cammy, a baby camel. Creatures of all kinds team up in solidarity to problem-solve, escape danger, explore Ancient Egypt, dodge booby traps, and find the Bronze of Bastet!
Like all the Buddies movies, Treasure Buddies incorporates valuable lessons about the value of friendship and the power of teamwork!
Hope you’re not allergic to canines, like Ubasti, the eerie hairless cat who has alternate plans in mind for the magic necklace the Buddies are searching for!
Experience the adventure, the lessons, the world travel, and…the cuteness with your kiddos! Click HERE to order your own copy of Treasure Buddies today!
*Macaroni Kid was compensated for this review; however, all opinions are our own!