
Cranberry Township’s Early Learning Center : ACCEPTING NEW STUDENTS

Open House February 15 10am- 1pm and 5pm -7pm

By Sponsored Advertising February 4, 2016


Cranberry Township is accepting registration for classes beginning in September and will host an Open House on Monday, February 15 from 10 am – 1 pm and 5 pm – 7 pm.

Located in the Cranberry Township Municipal Center, the school holds morning and afternoon sessions for both 3-4 year olds and 4-5 year olds, plus a one-day a week class for 2 ½ year old, meets in classrooms that were completely rebuilt and opened in 2015.  The rooms feature a variety of enhancements including increased natural lighting, improved security, and integral bathrooms with child-size fixtures.

Cranberry’s programs were created to meet the developmental needs of young children.  The program for 2 1\2 year olds focuses on socialization and cooperative play; while the class for 3-year olds is designed to be a child’s first classroom experience.  Its emphasis is on language, social development, numbers and art.  The Pre-K program for 4-5 year old children is focused on Kindergarten preparation.  Its emphasis is on enhancing social skills, promoting development in language, math, science, art and motor skills. 

According to program coordinator Valerie Murphy, the center follows two curricula.  “Handwriting Without Tears and the Creative Curriculum for Preschool, are specifically designed for children ages 3-5.  Plus, we introduce technology with the use of iPads – encouraging children to view technology as a learning tool, as well as something enjoyable.”

Classes for 3-4 year olds meet for 2.5 hours a day, twice a week, from September through May.  Classes for 4-5 year olds meet for 2.5 hours daily, either three or four days a week.  The class for 2 ½ year olds will meet for 2 hours, once a week. 

For more information, stop by at the Parks & Recreation Customer Service Desk in the Municipal Center, 2525 Rochester Rd. or call 724-779-4 FUN (4386). For more information about the program and fees, visit